Bibliography of Publications
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First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Thomas | Murphy | Other Mormon Histories: Lamanite Subjectivity in Mexico | 2000 |
Examines self-representations of Lamanite identities and histories by 20th Century Nahua scholars Margarito Bautista Valencia and Agricol Lozano Herrera. |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Thomas | Murphy | Other Mormon Histories: Lamanite Subjectivity in Mexico |
Examines self-representations of Lamanite identities and histories by 20th Century Nahua scholars Margarito Bautista Valencia and Agricol Lozano Herrera. |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Thomas | Murphy | “Guatemalan Hot/Cold Medicine and Mormon Words of Wisdom: Intercultural Negotiation of Meaning” | 1997 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Marjorie | Newton | Mormon and Maori | 2014 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Kim | Östman | “The Scholarly Study of Mormonism in Finland: An Overview of Literature, Research Ideas, and Sources” | 2008 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Rick | Phillips | “Rethinking the International Expansion of Mormonism” | 2006 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Caroline | Plüss | “Chinese Participation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in Hong Kong” | 1999 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Robert | Rees | “New Perspectives On the Role of the Heart in Positive Emotions, Intuition, and Social Coherence” in the Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology | 2017 |
Scientific research has established the existence of complex, highly sophisticated neural pathways that connect the human heart and brain, confirming that the activity of the heart directly influences the activity of higher brain centers involved in perceptual and cognitive processing and in the creation of emotional experience. This chapter examines research that has found that different emotions are reflected in state-specific patterns in the heart’s rhythms. Recent work has demonstrated a 75% accuracy in the detection of discrete emotional states from the heart rate variability (HRV) signal. As people experience sincere positive feelings, the more ordered information flowing from the heart to the brain facilitates cortical function and improves cognitive performance. These findings may help explain the significant shifts in broadened perception, increased mental clarity, and heightened intuitive awareness reported by many individuals when practicing heart-centered, positive emotion–refocusing and restructuring techniques. |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Robert | Rees | Various articles on the work of the Liahona Children’s Foundation to address malnutrition in the developing world |
A series of articles on the humanitarian work of the Liahona Children’s Foundation in Peru, Columbia, Guatemala, the Philippines and Kiribati |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Richard | Sleegers | Pedagogy of Perfection: Joseph Smiths perfectionism, how it was taught in the early LDS-church and its contemporary applicability | 2015 |
The paper deals with the origin and purpose of the early LDS temple ceremony as a means to educate saints toward ‘perfection’, compared to other protestant views of ‘perfectionism’; how Joseph Smith devised these pedagogical means and how they evolved over time. It raises questions and ideas about e.g. ‘temple testimony meetings’ and ways of mentoring. |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Rodney | Stark | “The Rise of a New World Faith” | 1984 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Russell | Stevenson | For the Cause of Righteousness: A Global History of Blacks and Mormonism, 1830-2013 | 2014 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
Shinji | Takagi | The Trek East: Mormonism Meets Japan, 1901-1968 | 2016 |
First name | Last name | Title of publication | Year of publication | Summary |
James | Toronto | Mormons in the Piazza: History of the Latter-day Saints in Italy | 2017 |
Online Repositories
Primary source collections, secondary research, and helpful guides can be found at the following links:
- BYU Lee Library Advanced Research – Mormon Studies
- International Journal of Mormon Studies – A Peer Reviewed Journal for Scholars of Mormonism
Devotional and Apologetics Sites
Resources in English:
The Harold B. Lee Library at BYU has a range of helpful subject guides, bibliographies, and digitised primary source collections.
The Juvenile Instructor shines as a place to keep a finger on the pulse of recent developments in Mormon scholarship. Ben Park’s annual year-in-review posts are invaluable.
The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at BYU has a great blog/podcast series featuring the latest work in Mormon studies as well as relevant scholarship from a diverse range of fields.
FAIR is the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research. The FAIR website has links to audio, video and written resources.
Meridian Magazine has a great network of columnists and contributors who share their work through the site, offering multiple viewpoints and insights into LDS culture, current events, and hard-hitting issues.
Resources in other Languages:
A website for French-speakers, containing a collection of French Liahona Magazines, art work, and translations of articles and books addressing LDS topics. The site also answers some common criticisms against the Church.
A website for Portuguese-speaking members of the LDS church.
A website for Italian-speakers, containing church news and basic information on LDS principles and doctrine. The site also answers some common criticisms against the Church.
UVU “Multicultural Mormonism” Conference, April 2017
The University of Auckland’s “Resistance and Innovation: Empire and Native Christianity in the Pacific” Conference, April 2017
“Global Crossroads: Mormonism in Asia in the Twenty-First Century”, March 2015
BYU symposium on global church, March 2014